Socket Client/Server Quiz Management System on C#

It's a Socket Client/Server Quiz Management System. It developed in C# platform using Entity Framework.we can use multiple client with single server.
Server can manage the Quiz like create, edit, delete, quiz timing, and QUIZ PARTICIPATIE members that member only give the quiz. Server can manage the multiple clients through socket.
Client only show the quiz and result, after submit the result, it will save on server side where database will be implemented. Client save the result through socket programming.  Client have no database, it only communicate through socket.

In this application, I used multiple threading for handle the multiple clients and entity framework for database.

Its a first version, I will upgrade this application and the new version of QMS will be soon. :)

I hope you will like my application. Give me the feedback and tips for improving my application.

Thank You for visiting.

MAK - (Muhammad Adnan khan)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Can I have your source code of this project?
